by Dr. Manoj Kumar, Specialist Plastic Surgeon, International Modern Hospital Dubai
1. Blepharoplasty is a common Aesthetic procedure to remove excess loose skin and sometimes fat around eyes to rejuvenate the area around eyes and give a younger look. it can be done for upper eyelids /lower eyelids or both.
2. In this procedure , which can be done under local anaesthesia or sometimes General anesthesia, an incision is made orbital crease in upper eyelids and at the lid mergins for lower eyelid. Excess skin and sometimes fat is removes meticulously followed by repair of the wounds. in this technique scar formed is minimal and with time becomes almost imperceptible.
3. As explained above , this surgery aims to reduce the effect of ageing around the eyes, thereby giving the patients a rejuvenated, younger look.
4. Bleeding is the most common complication. other possible complication can be asymmetrical eye shape due to excess or less than appropriate skin excision. This is why this surgery is considered very delicate and needs an experiences Plastic Surgeon to give optimal results. Epiphora, excessive watering from eyes is another complication if preoperative evaluation is not done properly and too much skin is removed from lower eyelids.
5. Potential risks / complications are already described above
6. Already discussed above.
7. Bleeding, Excess watering of eyes, inability to close eyes completely after initial swelling has subsided are some of the symptoms indicating poor result.
8. Meticulous iccision and suturing, meticulous control of any minor bleeding and avoiding to wet the operated area during first 5 days to prevent the risks of infection.
9. Often there is a genetic predisposition in some people to get baggy eyelids / loose skin around euyes at a relatively early age.
10. Obviously a poor result can give a lot of stress and loss of self esteem.
11. Patient should always inform the surgeon about any medical condition they are suffering from and medications they are taking, because some of them will need to be stopped while others may have to be continued. they should also follow the post operative instructions given by the surgeon religiously and take the medidicines as prescribed. a good night sleep before operaton helps both the surgeon and the patient to get better results as they will be more relaxed.
12. If there is any complication, the patient should have faith in the surgeon and report to him/her immediately. there are many problems associated with surgery which can be teeated if timely intervention is made.
13. Patients should always consider any cosmetic surgery very seriouly, as to whether they really want to undergo it. Always they should use all their intelect to select the right Surgeon and once decided, they should have full faith in the surgeon. They must ask as many questions as they can think of so that they get a realistic information about the results.
Dr. Manoj Kumar, Specialist Plastic Surgeon
International Modern Hospital Dubai
1.Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of eyelids,it is a vital part of facial rejuvenation.
3.the procedure reduces the bagginess from lower eyelids and excess skin and fat from upper eyelids, it reduces the look of tiredness of eyes.
4. complications in good surgicthe al hand is not common but its important to be aware of them like chemosis, dry eye, bleeding, infection,scarring, asymmetry ,ectropon, entropion and possible loss of vision.
5.Blepharoplasty can be done local anaesthesia with or without sedation.
6.Blepharoplasty should be done by a professional plastic surgeon or and ophthalmologist with the training in oculoplastic surgery in order to get good results.the procedure done in non professional way can lead to all the above possible complications.
7.patients with prioir medical conditions like dry eye, glaucoma asymmetruc eyes Detached retina, thyroid disorders, diabetes and cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure may not have the desired results.
8.excessive scarring and uneven eyelids can happen if the pt has above prior conditions or the surgery is not done by a professional trained to do the surgery.
Choose your surgeon and facility smartly and always convey your health problems honestly to your Physicians.
9.specific demographic include skin type, fitzpatric skin type IV V , certain dermatological conditions and above medical conditions can lead to unsatisfactory results.
10.psycological impact from unsatisfactory results can be devastating ,
11. Measures to be taken before surgery are to provide a full history of your medicsl and surgical procedures to your healthcare physician.tell them about the use of medication, herbal ,vitamines, alcohol intake and smoking.
Full eye examination as well as physical examination should be carried out.
Eyelid photography is essential part of surgical planning.
Patient should quit smoking several weeks before surgery, blood pressure and diabetic status should be undercontrol.
Certain medications like warfarin,aspirin, ibuprofen increase the risk of bleeding, so these should be stopped as per your healthcare provider.
Patient should arrange Someone To drive them home.
12.the correction surgery should not be done before six months, but if there is a complication effecting the vision or causing eyeball dryness, team work of ophthalmologist should be available. is essential to have realistic expectations and understanding pt.
Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem, Specialist Plastic Surgeon
International Modern Hospital Dubai