BenQ Group’s Green Expo has gone a step further, establishing 21 goals for the 2024 COMPUTEX TAIPEIgrand event in accordance with ISO 20121 sustainability management systemsFollowing the exhibition, all goals were met, and a third-party professional certification was obtained. Afterobtaining certification for the first time last year, BenQ Group became the only company to successfullyrenew certification at COMPUTEX.Large-scale exhibition events in the past have frequently produced a significant amount of disposable waste.BenQ Group planned the Green Expo with the sustainability philosophy of “Together, Make the WorldBetter.”

In 2023, a zero-waste exhibition was established; in 2024, it further took on new challenges andinnovated, beginning with the source design and successfully achieving a 15% carbon reduction. Followingthe exhibition, the wood from the venue was donated to campus courses and international educationalexpos, thereby designating wood as the ambassador for the BenQ Group in promoting the sustainabilityphilosophy.
According to Joe Huang, General Manager of BenQ Group, COMPUTEX is the world’s representativetechnology event. This year, in addition to bringing together over 20 companies to showcase their AIcapabilities, BenQ Group is dedicated to assisting customers with green transformations and demonstratingthe effectiveness of sustainability exhibitions. Sustainability is the process of continuous accumulation andcorrection.
It is hoped that by continuing to strive for excellence and laying the groundwork for sustainabilityactions, partners can work together to build a long-term green value chain.1/3A further 15% reduction in carbon emissions through the exhibition and spreading the sustainabilityphilosophy through wood donationsIn order to achieve the zero-waste goal in exhibition venue design, BenQ Group began with 3R (Reduce,Reuse, Recycle) as early as 2023, with a commitment to introducing a low-carbon design. At the 2.0 GreenExpo in 2024, in response to plans to assist Taiwanese exhibition businesses in implementing carbonreduction by reducing wood use ratio, increasing equipment rental, and other actions, according to carbonemission estimates by the Industrial Technology Research Institute, BenQ’s carbon emissions from boothdecoration and power consumption decreased by 15% this year, as part of active efforts to achieve a zerowaste and low-carbon Green Expo.

On the other hand, BenQ Group has continued the wood’s life journey after the exhibition, providingrecycling services to four K-12 schools as well as an international education expo. Given the recentemphasis on self-produced courses in elementary, junior, and senior high schools, the exhibition wood’s nextstop will provide students with new materials for woodworking, school campus maintenance, teachingmaterial production, and educational exhibition experiences.
It is anticipated that 15 countries and 1500participants will benefit, passing on the sustainability spirit from one generation to the next.ISO 20121 verification: Meeting All 21 ESG Goals in Three FieldsIn 2024, there were three major areas of innovation compared to 2023: environmental, where carboninventory were introduced; social, where the “Green Travel Guide” were launched; and governance, wherevegetarian set meals in the “1.5°C-aligned menu” were purchased. This year, all 21 goals were met, which isnot only an increase from the previous year’s 15 items, but also a strengthening of the social goals to tenitems. Green Expo’s communication and implementation extended beyond working with customers tocampuses (different projects are available to universities and K12), educational funds and social welfaregroups. The practices of Green Expo, not only take place during the four-day exhibition period atCOMPUTEX Taipei, but also have an influence before and after the exhibition.
Additionally, in keeping with the objective of the 2023 Green Expo, in terms of the environmental aspect, theprinciple of 100% zero-waste from decorations, 100% use of recycled dining utensils, and 90% printedmaterial digitalization on the exhibition venue has been met. For the social aspect, a network of partnersmade up of 20-plus have been brought together to promote sustainable actions, demonstrating more than50% of AI green smart solutions. In terms of governance, economic values have been co-created with anetwork of partners, such as purchasing 90% local souvenirs and gifts and 80% local building materialsmade in Taiwan.
Co-creating Common Good; Calling 25 Partners to Respond to Sustainability ActionsBenQ Group continues to expand its sustainability influence. At the COMPUTEX Taipei exhibition, it invited25 sustainability partners to respond to the current ISO 20121 sustainability initiatives. BenQ Corporation,Qisda Corporation, Ace Pillar Co., Ltd., Action Star Technology Co., Ltd., Aewin Technologies, Co., Ltd.,Alpha Networks Inc., Aplex Technology Inc., Data Image Corporation, DFI Inc., DSI Group, D8AI Inc., EpicCloud, Grandsys Inc., Hitron Technologies Inc., High Performance Information Co., Ltd., Metaage2/3Corporation, Metaguru Corporation, Partner Tech Corp., PowerWalker, and WiXtar Corporation are amongthe BenQ Group’s enterprises.www.benq.comAbout BenQ GroupThe BenQ Group (wholly owned by Qisda listed in TWSE:2352) is a global technology group with businessesspanning across the IT industry, medical business, smart solutions and network communication business.The Group invested in 16 Taiwan-listed/over-the-counter companies, entered the vertical and horizontalintegration market and built strong business alliance by “Grand Fleet” strategy. The Group’s accumulatedrevenue of 2023 was NT$203 billion.The Group has been ranked as one of the “Top 100 Global Tech Leaders” by Thomson Reuters, namedamong the “Best Companies to Work For in Asia” by HR Asia, and awarded the “Most PrestigiousSustainability Awards – Top Ten Domestic Corporates” by the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards. TheGroup joined RE100 and promised completely 100% renewable energy use by 2040.Driven by a long-standing vision of Bringing Enjoyment ‘N Quality to Life, the BenQ Group is committed todeveloping profitable and sustainable businesses that benefit people.
The BenQ Group companies are:BenQ Corporation, Qisda Corporation, BenQ Materials Corp., BenQ Medical Center, BenQ MedicalTechnology Corp., BenQ AB DentCare Corp., BenQ Dialysis Technology Corp., K2 international medicalinc., BenQ Healthcare Corp., Concord Medical Co., Ltd., DFI Inc., Partner Tech Corp., AEWIN TechnologiesCo., Ltd., MetaAge Corp., ACE PILLAR Co., LTD., Data Image Corp., DIVA Laboratories. Ltd., SimulaTechnology Inc., Alpha Networks Inc., Hitron Technologies Inc., and Interactive Digital Technologies Inc